The Best Gifts for the Daycare Teachers Who Make So Much Possible

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Factors to Consider When Buying Daycare Teachers Gifts


Above all else, your own budget is going to dictate what to buy for your child’s teachers or childcare providers. Most teachers don’t expect anything beyond their regular pay, so anything you give them is above and beyond, especially if your budget is tight these days. If you have multiple children, and they’re in a classroom with multiple teachers, the costs will add up. Also think about whether you’ll be giving them gifts multiple times per year (the winter holidays, Teacher Appreciation Week, just before summer break, or some other special occasion).

At the same time, we’re talking about the people who care for, and often even love, your own children, so if there’s anyone who deserves a gift, it’s teachers.

Teacher’s Age and Lifestyle

If your child’s teacher is in their 20s, you probably don’t want to give them the same gifts you’d want for yourself. Before getting them a gift card, find out whether they live in the same town as you or are commuting from elsewhere. And think twice before buying something too intimate for teachers you don’t know very well.

Teaming Up With Other Parents

If you have a way of communicating with the other parents or caregivers in your child’s class, consider pooling money for a bigger gift. This can be every bit as meaningful while also providing funds for something extra special.

Your Questions, Answered

How much should you spend on a gift for a daycare teacher?

This is really a personal choice, and it depends as much on where you live as your own budget. On average, anywhere from $5-$75 is great. And no one should judge you whether you spend more or less.

Is it OK to give cash or gift cards to teachers?

Yes! Many teachers we’ve spoken to over the years are happy with cash or gift cards. They know how busy parents are, and they like having freedom of choice. But we still recommend adding a personal, handwritten note, and even a drawing by your kid.

Who We Are

Sabrina Rojas Weiss is the senior commerce editor for Parents, which doesn’t mean she’s above buying Visa gift cards in bulk sometimes. She’s also very grateful that her 10-year-old son can write his own cards for his teachers now.

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